The Sedgefield Plan
Durham County Council formally adopted The Sedgefield Plan on 23rd October 2019.
To view The Sedgefield Plan click here
To view the Regulation 19 Decision Statement please click here
To view The Sedgefield Plan map click here
We are delighted to confirm that The Sedgefield Plan was given overwhelming backing by residents at its community referendum held on Thursday 12th September 2019. Almost 93% of those who voted expressed their support for our Neighbourhood Plan for the parish and it will now become a statutory planning document that Durham County Council and other authorities must refer to when determining proposals in the area.
The Sedgefield Plan contains policies about land use until 2033, which will influence the quantity, type, density, design and style of future housing, along with community and sports facilities and open spaces, amenities for young people, and other matters relating to land use in the town. The plan also includes a Built-up Area Boundary (BUAB), which maps out where future development in Sedgefield should be allowed, with the policies setting out limitations on what will be permitted inside and outside that boundary.
We are grateful to everyone who was involved in researching, developing and drafting The Sedgefield Plan. Such a decisive vote in the referendum sends a strong message to both planning authorities and developers that people in Sedgefield are determined to have a say in decisions about land use here. Our plan sets out a clear and positive vision for Sedgefield and we will use the document to ensure that future developments reflect this community’s wishes
Evidence Base:
2. Local Profile, Character, Identity and Natural Landscape
3. Conservation Area, Heritage and History
4. Sports, Recreation and Young People’s Facilities (inc. Education)
5. Infrastructure, Industry & Business, Amenities and Sustainable Transport (inc. On Street Parking)
A. Communications and Community Engagement